How Do You Feel In Your Clothes?

20 Mar

Something I love to hear while I’m shopping or doing a wardrobe session with a client is – This is me!  (Usually, I can also tell by their body language and/or facial expression that they feel great in it)

If you’re still trying to figure out your personal style, give yourself time to try lots of different things. 

Sample clothes that are not your usual/comfort zone pieces and play around with new looks using what you already have in your wardrobe. 

Each time you put something on, ask yourself…

  • How do I feel? 
  • Is this me? 

When you come up with an outfit that feels the way you want to in your clothes, bottle that feeling then aim for all of your outfits to make you feel that way.

*This pic is from the book “In Paris” by Jeanne Damas. 

When I flicked through it in the shop, I bought it because of this photo. I really liked this outfit. There’s nothing trendy about it. Each piece could have come from a charity shop, vintage store, the high street, or a designer boutique. 

You can read what styling services I offer here

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