It’s Not What You Wear, It’s How You Wear It.

27 Aug

This jumper’s been in my wardrobe for 37 years. My Nan knitted it for me when I was 19.

The last couple of winters I haven’t worn it – but because it’s one of my favourite things, I wanted to try and work out why I wasn’t reaching for it.

When I tried it with my white jeans I realised what it was straight away.

In the past I’ve always worn it with black skinny jeans, or black leggings or jodhpurs. And I don’t wear any of them anymore.

When I wear it with black bottoms – particularly skinny ones – I don’t notice how long the jumper is. But when I wear it with blue or white denim, it feels too long for me. (I also don’t like where it finishes on my leg)

So… I tried cropping it by tucking some of the jumper into the waistband of my jeans. i.e. it’s not tucked into my jeans creating bulk on my tummy. I’m much happier with it this way.

I believe you can also buy bands you can put around your middle to tuck the knit up and into. And you can also tuck a knit/top up into your bra. I’m not sure how comfortable that would be though.

I offer a couple of styling sessions where I can look over your clothes with a fresh eye and help you restyle some of the pieces in your wardrobe. One is a wardrobe styling session in your home and the other is via FaceTime. You can read about them here ????

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